
The Governing Body has a number of duties and responsibilities towards all its stakeholders; students, staff, parents, the local authority and all our partners.

Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office.

Telephone: 01482 585203



Name Type of Governor
Tanya Cole Staff
Terry Johnson Community
Lee Fallin – Chair Community
Claire Goodaire Executive Head

The role includes:

  • Quality and Standards
  • Ensuring the school fulfils its statutory duties and meets legal requirements
  • Setting challenging targets
  • Ensuring the school has adequate resources to meet the needs of the students and that it uses best value principles in setting its budget
  • Ensuring all students are supported with their transition
  • Leadership
  • Establishing a clear vision for the school and setting the strategic aims
  • Communicating this vision to students, staff. Parents and stakeholders
  • Developing shared values and principles based on an explicit moral purpose
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance and progress
  • Relationships with stakeholders
  • Ensuring the school is accountable to all stakeholders
  • Building and nurturing a close relationship with young people and their families
  • Caring for the welfare of students and staff

The Governing Body is made up of representatives from parents, staff of the school and co-opted members from the community. Representatives are elected for a period of four years. The Governing Body meets to discuss issues concerned with the school. Minutes of the meetings are available for reference at the school. Members of the Governing Body are always willing to discuss school matters and can be contacted via the school office.

The Governing Body has a programme of meetings throughout the school year, and a committee structure that focuses on specific areas of governance:

“You seek to identify any triggers which cause pupils to behave erratically and you work towards eliminating these.”


“The systems and structures that you have put in place ensure that pupils feel safe at school.”


“Inspectors saw first-hand the way in which your staff spoke to pupils with compassion and respect.”


“Pupils make strides socially and emotionally.”


“An SEMH curriculum runs through the heart of your school.”


“The most striking aspect of your school is the way in which you plan to support pupils’ individual needs.”


“Your school helps pupils to become
confident rounded young people.”


“Teachers consider
pupils’ emotional well-being deeply and give them space when they need to refocus.”


“Before coming to
school, you and other leaders work hard to understand the needs of individual


“All pupils benefit from targets to help them to develop their social and emotional skills and to build a level of resilience.”


“Pupils are given chances to reflect upon this
through ‘life books’ where observations are made, and improvements praised.”


“Teachers and teaching assistants work hard to ensure that pupils are ‘nudged’ in the right direction in lessons.”


“Pupils talked to us about the way in which you
and your staff celebrate difference and help to make everyone feel valued.”


“A time of ‘reflection’ at the end of the
day allows pupils to consider how they have performed at school and helps them to focus on their attitudes and behaviours. ”


“The work of the
life coach can include one-to-one work in addition to positive thinking strategies,
mindfulness and aromatherapy.”


“Pupils at your school feel safe.”


“Once at school, the life coach works with
individuals to help them to deal with any anxieties that they may have.”


“In classrooms, pupils focus hard and respond well to any advice and guidance that is given to them.”


“Within classrooms, teachers reward positive behaviours consistently.”


“Teaching at your school is characterised by positive relationships between members of staff and pupils.”


“Pupils told inspectors that they really value the way in which they feel respected at your school.”


“A time of ‘reflection’ at the end of the
day allows pupils to consider how they have performed at school and helps them to focus on their attitudes and behaviours. ”


“Pupils welcome new arrivals with understanding and compassion.”


“Pupils value the way in which you and your
staff make everyone feel included.”
